About me

Hello, I'm Dolev!

I'm a full-stack engineer with a front-end orientation, currently located in Tel Aviv, Israel.

For more info about my technical skills and experience, check out my resume.

Blog Posts

My List of CLI Gems

Recently I realize I've accumulated quite a few packages and wanted to do some cleaning and organizing. These are the ones I kept and find useful.

The Renaissance of the Command Line

Learn about innovations in the CLI, how a terminal emulator actually works, and finally write a simple terminal app using Bubbletea - a modern library for building terminal UIs.

Why I'm using (Neo)Vim

Neovim is a tool that has become indespensible to me. I just enjoy using it and tinkering with it. I wanted to share my editor of choice journey.

My Developer Setup in 2022

How I use my Mac - from reading emails, launching apps to writing code and browsing the internet.

CSS Fundamentals

I was asked to do a session about CSS for new grads who just joined our team. This is my view on the most important concepts in CSS for beginners.

The Online IDEs Ecosystem

As part of improving the developer experience in the product I'm working on — I wanted to research online IDEs.